Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the purpose of the image-based symptom detection system on this website?

- The image-based symptom detection system on this website is designed to assist users in assessing whether skin lesions or rashes on a person might be indicative of specific diseases, including monkeypox, chickenpox, measles, or normal skin conditions.

2. How does the image-based symptom detection system work?

- Our system utilizes artificial intelligence and image recognition algorithms to analyze uploaded images of skin lesions or rashes. It then compares these images to known patterns associated with monkeypox, chickenpox, measles, or normal skin conditions to provide a preliminary assessment.

3. Can this system provide a definitive diagnosis?

- No, the image-based symptom detection system cannot provide a definitive diagnosis. It is meant to be a tool for initial assessment and should not replace consultation with a healthcare professional. Always seek medical advice for accurate diagnosis and treatment.

4. What images should I upload for analysis?

- You can upload clear and well-lit images of skin lesions or rashes. Multiple angles and close-up shots can help improve the accuracy of the assessment.

5. How accurate is the image-based symptom detection system?

- The accuracy of the system may vary based on factors such as image quality and the similarity of the presented symptoms to known patterns. It is not a substitute for professional medical evaluation and should be used as a reference only.

6. What should I do if the system suggests a potential health concern?

- If the system suggests a potential health concern related to monkeypox, chickenpox, measles, or any other condition, we strongly recommend consulting a healthcare professional for a thorough evaluation and diagnosis.

7. Is my uploaded image and personal information secure?

- We take user privacy and data security seriously. Your uploaded images and personal information are treated with the utmost confidentiality and are not shared or stored beyond the scope of this website's usage.

8. Can I use this system for emergency situations?

- No, this system is not intended for emergency situations. In case of a medical emergency, please seek immediate medical attention.

9. Are there any fees associated with using this system?

- No, our image-based symptom detection system is provided free of charge as part of our project's mission to raise awareness and assist users in identifying potential health concerns.

10. How can I provide feedback or report any issues with the system?

- We welcome your feedback and encourage you to report any issues or concerns through our provided contact channels. Your input helps us improve the system's accuracy and usability.